Our process is personalized to every individual we engage with. We take the time to get to know you, your situation and what keeps you up at night. This allows us to provide you with a customized and comprehensive financial plan that aligns with your objectives, priorities and values.


  • How can we be of service to you?
  • What is the scope of the relationship?
  • What are the Advisor and Client’s responsibilities throughout the relationship?


  • What are your personal and financial goals and concerns?
  • What is your investment objective and investment time horizon?
  • What is your tolerance for risk?


  • Present products to suit your needs
  • Provide investment portfolio and asset allocation recommendations
  • Identify other areas of weakness and strategies to address them


  • Determine the Advisor and Client’s responsibilities for implementation
  • Process account paperwork, deposits and/or transfers
  • Coordinate with other professionals on areas outside of our expertise


  • Periodic portfolio reviews and market updates
  • Discuss changes to your situation and potential impact towards your plan
  • Adjust recommendations as needed to ensure progress towards your goals