Why choose a CFP® professional?

  • 36% of consumers are not confident in how they manage their finances, however, 84% of consumers who work with a CFP® professional are satisfied with their financial plan. 
  • 83% of consumers not working with a financial planner would want a CFP® professional if they were to choose a financial professional.
  • 71% of consumers say they would feel more confidence when thinking about their financial situation if they worked with a CFP® professional.


*Source: Heart + Mind Strategies Research, 2017

The CFP® certification is one of the most widely recognized and respected certifications in the financial services industry. What sets CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals apart from other Financial Advisors is that they are held to a standard of excellence for competent and ethical financial planning.

The CFP Board is a non-profit organization dedicated to working in the public’s best interest by establishing and enforcing education, examination, experience, and ethics requirements for CFP® professionals. They are responsible for setting rigorous requirements and issuing the CFP® certification to qualified candidates so consumers can feel confident that they are putting their financial futures in the right hands.

To learn more about the CFP® certification, click here.